Thursday, January 26, 2012


Well, is very difficult to me make a decision of only one country I would like to go, but if I have to prefer one I would like to visit Cuba, because I would like to see how works the Cuban society, how people organize their lives and of course visit historical and natural places of the country.

I know a little of the Cuban revolutionary process and my motivations to go would be to learn
more about that and see with my own eyes the places where did the revolution. Some of
these places may be Santa Clara, the Sierra Maestra jungle, Bahia Cochinos, Giron beach, and
certainly the capital, La Habana city. Other reason I would like to visit these places is because their natural and architectonical beauty.

I would also like to visit the University because it receives students of all countries and health
services too, because the Cuban health system is recognized over the world as a very integral

Finally, I believe I’d like study or work there for a couple of years may be in some program
related with my discipline or other interesting area that presents.

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